A-Z Book Tag
Hey! It's me! You might not have remembered me because it seems like I never post here anymore! Don't worry, I am trying to be better about that. I want to start posting at least one book review or one book tag a week. It's a challenge for myself as well as something to keep my creative juices flowing. I'm even going to put a few on a schedule so they will post while I'm on vacation! I am hoping that by committing publicly to this new rule I'm putting in place for myself that I will stick to it but I guess only time will tell. If for some reason you actually like hearing my thoughts, I post more regularly on my Instagram account of the same name. I actually have posted every day this month for a reading challenge called #ReadingPride, created by Marrill of BooksandRavens on Instagram! I've had a lot of fun participating, and she is such a sweet person with lovely photos, you should definitely check her account out! Anyways, on to the book tag. I'...