
Showing posts from December 23, 2018

2019 Blog Plans

It's been awhile since I last posted. This year has been stressful for lots of personal reasons, but it has also been great. My main 2019 resolutions are to be more active on here and on my bookstagram. Here are my bookish goals for the new year. 1. Post here at least once a week 2. Get my Netgalley rating up to 80% 3. Stay on top of my Goodreads reading challenge (I am just short of completing my 2018 goal, I'll let you know in a follow up post of my 2018 books if I hit it or not) 4. Interview more authors ( and hone on my technique!) 5. Learn how to take better bookstagram pictures and get the right equipment. 6. Get a bookish twitter! Most of my favorite part of the bookish community is everyone interacting with each other and authors on twitter, and I'd like to be a part of that! Plus, it's a great way to grow my blog following! 7. Keep better track of my bookish things to do. I.E., get a journal for tracking blog posts, blog post ideas, book read, revie...