
Welcome to my blog, Some Books and Ramblings! My name is Samantha and I'll be your host today.

   Just so you know, I primarily use my Instagram account of the same name, but here on my blog I will be posting reviews for books I have read, book challenges, and fan art. I will put the disclaimer towards the top: I suck at keeping to a schedule and posting regularly, mainly because I do not enjoy writing. So now you're probably thinking "then why did you start a blog?". Well, my answer to you is because I wanted to improve my writing and join the book community. I've been told my writing is great, and that I have a gift and blah blah blah, so why not try reviewing books? And as I mentioned before, I wanted to join the book community. I wanted to make some friends, and hang out with people who enjoyed books and reading as much as I do.

   So that's that! any thoughts, ideas or questions, please DM me on my Instagram (as I am more likely to see it there).

Until my next post!



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